Parenting Support

Origins Is Here For You

We’ll meet with you, listen to you, and learn about your specific situation. Then, we’ll discuss your pregnancy options with you, so you can make an informed decision that’s best for you!

You receive up-to-date information in a confidential setting about Abortion, Adoption, or Parenting and guide you through the process.


You may be considering abortion for several reasons. Maybe you’re in a difficult relationship, financially unstable, or feel alone, or perhaps it’s because you’re just not ready to be a parent.

If you’re considering abortion, it’s important to know the facts.

At La Luz Women’s Center, we can provide you with information on the different types of abortion procedures. 

La Luz Women’s Center does not offer or refer for abortions.


Adoption has changed a lot in recent years. What was once stigmatized is now better understood, and more options are available to women. Most women choose adoption if they aren’t ready to parent or don’t want an abortion.

You can choose an open adoption, where you have an ongoing relationship with your baby and the adoptive family, a closed adoption, where the court seals the original birth record and your identity remains a secret, or choose a semi-open adoption.

There are pros and cons to all types of adoption. When considering this option, think ahead to your future and your child’s future.


If you’re pregnant, parenting is another choice for you to consider. Many people enjoy being a parent and find it a rewarding and beneficial lifelong experience.

If you think parenting might be right for you but still have concerns about money, baby supplies, insurance, or parenting skills, Origins can help.

Please call us or schedule your no-cost consultation today. We have a network of informational resources and will be happy to connect you.

We’re ready whenever you are to listen to your story, share helpful resources, and provide a safe support system for you every step of your journey to parenthood.

Still Have Questions?

We’ve provided a safe, confidential place to process all your thoughts and emotions. Call 505-891-1430.

Commitment in the face of
conflict produces character.